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We provide world-leading expertise on political and violent extremism, particularly on the radical right in Britain and abroad. This includes work on:


  • Ethnic and religion-based extremism, including antisemitism, Holocaust denial and anti-Muslim prejudice

  • Ideological radicalisation, political violence and terrorism

  • History and development of hate incidents and attacks online


We have worked with a range of government departments, courts and third-sector partners in developing a practice-informed, informationally robust and cutting-edge range of work packages.



Symbols & Slogans Of The Radical Right Online: Italy, Germany, France 


Supported by Meta, this report examines the key terms, groups and codes used by radical right groups in France, Germany and Italy today. Images and terms in English translation are provided, alongside an expansive detailing of contemporary radical right groups in all three countries.


Dialing Down Hatred


Supported by Meta, this online pilot project examined the utility of counter-narratives on individuals described as vulnerable to radical right extremism. This report represents the first empirical testing of responses to alternative narratives and counter-speech amongst radical-right audiences online.

Report available upon request.


Social Media Platforms And The Dangers Of Outlinking


Supported by Meta, this report on outlinking examines a key way in which radical right extremists are exploiting leading online platforms to disseminate racism and intolerance, while seeking new followers. Outlinking to fringe or unmoderated platforms has become a serious issue, as this expansive report makes clear. Also included are recommendations and a practical guide for detecting outlinking to hateful websites and platforms.


Tackling Hate In The Homeland: 

US Radical Right Narratives And Counter-Narratives At A Time Of Renewed Threat 


In partnership with Hedayah, the Radical Right Counter Narratives Project is a year-long project funded by the EU STRIVE programme. It is designed to create one of the first comprehensive online toolkits for practitioners and civil society engaged in radical right extremist counter-narrative campaigns. It uses online research to map narratives in nine countries and regions (Australia, Canada, Germany, Hungary, New Zealand, Norway, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States), proposes counter-narratives for these countries and regions, and advises on how to conduct such campaigns in an effective manner. This country report is one of such outputs.


From Street-Based Activism to Terrorism & Political Violence: UK Radical Right Narratives and Counter-Narratives at a Time of Transition


In partnership with Hedayah, the Radical Right Counter Narratives Project is a year-long project funded by the EU STRIVE programme. It is designed to create one of the first comprehensive online toolkits for practitioners and civil society engaged in radical right extremist counter narrative campaigns. It uses online research to map narratives in nine countries and regions (Australia, Canada, Germany, Hungary, New Zealand, Norway, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States), proposes counter narratives for these countries and regions, and advises on how to conduct such campaigns in an effective manner. This country report is one of such outputs.


Building a Successful Radical Right Counter-Narrative Campaign: a How-to Guide


This How-to-Guide provides guidelines and advice, with a step-by-step process on how to develop radical right counter-narratives, based on different overarching and region-specific violent right-wing extremist narratives, and existing counter-narrative campaigns. Additionally, this tool provides guidance on what ethical considerations to take into account as well as ways to assess the effectiveness of the counter narrative campaigns. Practitioners and other frontline workers dealing with counter-narratives may use this Guide as a training material in their line of work.


Radical Right Counter Narratives Expert Workshop Report 


Specialist findings on the effectiveness of different radical right counter narratives, counter narrative messengers, counter narrative audiences and forms of counter narrative campaign. This report distils some of the over-arching themes, key insights and modes of practice discussed over the two-day workshop on best practice in the area of radical right extremist counter narratives.


"Faces" of the Radical Right


This report takes up both the racist, reformist radical right and the revolutionary, fascist extreme right while acknowledging that one shades into the other, and that some groups stand astride the very line that separates them. As this report shows, radical right groups are nativist and xenophobic and favour cultural and ethnic homogeneity. Their targets are those perceived to have contributed to national and political decline: corrupt or liberal elites, as well as Muslims and other immigrants or ethnic and religious minorities.


A Guide to Online Radical-Right Symbols, Slogans and Slurs


This report details the principal symbols, slang, coded references and terminology used online by radical-right extremists today. The first part of this survey will focus on key images, ranging from the Celtic Cross to ancient Germanic runes, with an emphasis on the frequency of use and changes over time (such as the recent way in which ‘Pepe the Frog’ has operated as shorthand for various radical-right themes). The second part turns to written codes, including numerical codes, acronyms and key phrases, and is supported by a glossary appendix.


Advisory Network on Terrorism and Propaganda Workshop: “Defining the Global Right-Wing Extremist Movement”


Right-wing extremism and terrorism are of increasing concern to EU Member States, the European Union and Europol. An efficient response to the threat must be based on a thorough understanding of the actors and dynamics that drive violent right-wing extremism. For this purpose, more than 100 participants from national agencies, EU institutions and agencies and international organisations gathered at Europol in a closed workshop to learn from leading experts in the field about online dimensions of right-wing extremism and terrorism.


A Century of Radical Right Extremism: New Approaches


The conference looks at a Century of Radical Right Extremism since the formation of Mussolini’s Fasci Italiani di Combattimento. It examines both historical and contemporary forms of radical right extremism, as well as incorporating practitioner perspectives on this pressing global political issue. Special strands are also be incorporated for Early Career Researchers, including workshops on engaging with the media and publishing, in addition to practice-based roundtable discussions. Multiple panels also specifically feature ECR researchers and themes, including professional development.

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